Hélène Njoto

Hélène Njoto


Chercheur.e associé.e

Associée / Histoire de l'Art / IndonésieInstitution de rattachement principal : Centre Asie du Sud-Est

Formation & parcours professionnel

  • 2014 (January 14th) - Ph.D defended at the École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris (EHESS). Dissertation title : « Architectural Innovations in Java from the 16th century to the early 19th century», under Prof. Claude Guillot’s supervision (Center for South East Asia, Paris). Distinction : Summa cum laude.
  • 2001-2002 - Mphil (DEA) « Modern Times Art History », at the Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris I-University. Thesis title: « Architecture and its decoration in 18th and 19th c. Java (Indonesia): the question of hybridization” under Prof. Daniel Rabreau’s supervision.
  • 2000-2001 - Masters (Maîtrise) in Art History at the Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris I University. Thesis title: « Figure illustrations of Insulindia (Indonesia-Malaysia) from the Histoire générale des voyages by l’Abbé Prévost (1746-1759), the Riches of Invention», under Prof. Daniel Rabreau’s supervision.
  • 1999-2005 -   Diploma preparation in Malay-Indonesian Language and Civilisation at the National Institute for Oriental Languages and Civilisations, Paris.
  • 1998-1999 - Bachelor (“Licence”) in Art History and Archaeology at the Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris I-University.
  • 1996-1998 - “D.E.U.G.” diploma in Art History and Archaeology at Panthéon-Sorbonne Paris I-University.
Parcours professionnel
  • February 2nd 2015 – January 31 2016 - Singapore, Nalanda-Sriwijaya Center (ISEAS), Hired as a Post-doc for a research project on Early Islamic Art of Java’s Northern Coast. Project title: « Art of the Pasisir: Foreign Imprint on Java’s North Coast (Pasisir) Sculpture in the Early Islamization period (16th– 17th Century). »

  • 1st February-30st May 2014 - Hong Kong University,  Continuation of my project as a visiting scholar (funded by the European Union).

  • 15th Novembre-15 Decembre 2013 - Hong Kong University,  Visiting scholar (funded by the European Union). Project title : Pre-colonial architectural heritage policy in Indonesia, the creation of Historic Cities in Indonesia. Project of the Urban Knowledge Network Asia (UKNA). Pilot of the project : IIAS and the Ecole d’Architecture de Paris-Belleville (ENSPAB).

  •  23-26 June 2010 - Jakarta, Co-organizer with Peter Carey and IKJ (Institut Kesenian Jakarta, Jakarta Arts Institute) of a Bicentennial Seminar. Title : Raden Saleh Syarief Bustaman : An Artist and his Life, The Many Worlds of Raden Saleh.
  • October 2009 to October 2010 - Paris, One year Research fellowship at the musée du quai Branly.
  • 19 - 23 - 26 March 2011 - Paris, Indonesian to French interpreter for Garin Nugroho’s Opera Jawa workshops on wayang and gamelan at musée du quai Branly.
  • 7 March 2009 - Paris, Interpreter for Le Monde and RFI of Indonesian filmmaker Garin Nugroho on the launching in France of his movie "Opera Jawa".
  • October to January 2008-2009 - Paris, Collaboration on Dutch to French translation of a manuscript from the 19th c. written by F. van Lith S.J., a Jesuit missionary in Java. Title : Kjahi Sadrach. Eene les voor ons uit de Protestansche zending van Midden-Java (Kiyayi Sadrach and the Protestant Mission in Java : A Lesson for us Catholics), ed. Rémy Madinier (CNRS-EHESS) in collaboration with Strasbourg’s Marc Bloch University, Dutch languages Department, Thomas Beaufils, Etienne Naveau, Jérôme Samuel and Hélène Poitevin.
  • 2008-2009 - Paris, Production and making of a series of filmed interviews with ethnologist Christian Pelras for the Cinémathèque de Bretagne. Title : « Interviews with Christian Pelras on his project Regards Croisés sur le monde rural des années 60-70 : pour un dialogue intercuturel, paysans bretons et paysans bugis en transition », in collaboration with the CNRSimages – Meudon and the Centre de Recherches Breton Celtique de l’Université de Bretagne Occidentale.
  • 10 March 1999 and 19 March 2000 - Deauville, First and second Deauville Asian Film Festival éditions. Articles for the Indonesian daily newspaper The Jakarta Post.

Enseignement, responsabilités administratives et scientifiques

Responsabilités administratives et scientifiques
  • Board member of AFRASE (vice-treasurer)

Bibliographie sélective

  • Forthcoming article - « Note sur l’origine de la mosquée javanaise (Note on the origins of the Javanese mosque)» in Bulletin de l’École française d’Extrême-Orient (BEFEO), n° 100, (spring 2015).
  • Forthcoming article - « Les sultans bâtisseurs et l’entrée des types chinois et européens à Java (XVIIe-XIXe s.) » in Actes du colloque de l’Institut national d’histoire de l’art (INHA) : S. Cluzel, A. Gournay et N. Lancret (eds.), L’échange architectural : Europe et Extrême-Orient 1550-1950.
  • Forthcoming article - “L’invention du patrimoine indonésien (Indonesian Heritage Invention)”, Indonésie contemporaine, (R. Madinier dir.), IRASEC, Les Indes savantes, 31 p. Paris.
  • 2014 - « À propos d’une pièce de bois sculptée de l’art du Pasisir (XVe-XVIIe siècles) : le « kalpataru » du musée de Tuban à Java Est », in Archipel 88 (2014), pp. 169-188.
  • 2006 - « L’institution des ventes publiques : les maîtres marchands de la peinture indonésienne » [Public sales Institutions : the Master Dealers of Indonesian Painting], Archipel 71 (2006), vol. II, pp. 177-210.
  • 2003 - « Notes sur l’identité des modèles architecturaux du Taman Sari de Yogyakarta (1758-1765) » [Notes on Yogyakarta’s Taman Sari’s Architectural Models Identity], proceedings for the 1st « Réseau Asie » Congress (Asian Network), panel 44 « Asian Urban Architecture », 25th December 2003, Cd-rom publication.
  • 2002 - « Les illustrations à figure de l’Insulinde dans l’Histoire générale des voyages de l’abbé Prévost (1746-1759) : vérité et ressemblance », [Figure illustrations of Insulindia (Indonesia-Malaysia) in Histoire générale des voyages by Abbé Prévost (1746-1759) : the Riches of Invention], in Histoire de l’Art n°51, novembre 2002, edited in partnership with the Centre national du livre and the CNRS-National Center for Scientific Research, pp. 73-86.
Lectures and papers
  • Yogyakarta, Gadjah Mada University, March 7th 2015. Paper title: “Introducing Indonesian Heritage History and vocabulary shifts », funded by Institut Français Indonesia, for a workshop on Words of Heritage in Indonesia and Thailand (March 6th-7th-8th 2015)
  • Yogyakarta, Gadjah Mada University, March 5th 2015.Lecture for Indonesian PhD Candidates and Masters students: “Starting Doctoral Studies in Cultural Heritage”, given in a three day training course on Heritage funded by France’s Ministry of Culture and Education.
  • Singapore, Institute for Southeast Asian Studies, 25 mars 2015.“Art of the Pasisir: Foreign Imprint on Java’s North Coast (Pasisir) Sculpture in the Early Islamization period (15th – 17th Century).” Talk for the Nalanda-Sriwijaya Center, Singapour.
  • Yogyakarta, former Dutch East Indies Bank building, July 16th 2014.Paper title: “Paris as a World Heritage City” given for symposium on Yogyakarta’s inscription on the World Heritage City List (UNESCO). Organised by BPPI (Indonesian Heritage Comity ) et le Yogyakarta Heritage Society.
  • Paris, Maison de l’Asie, 12 juin 2014.Paper title: « Sultans and master builders in Java: innovations and foreign imprints from the 16th to the first half of the 19th century », given at the annual Centre Asie du Sud-Est main seminar.
  • Hong Kong, Hong Kong University, 10th April 2014.Paper title: « The heritage of ancient Javanese urban arrangements in contemporary cities», Paper given at the Spring 2014 Discussion Series : Talks on Asian Urbanism organized by HKU’s Department of Architecture.
  • Leiden, Antiquity Museum, 10-13 Novembre 2013.Paper title: « Re-investigating 18th century Javanese Cities’spatial arrangements: the Cases of Surakarta and Yogyakarta in Central Java ». Paper given at the International conference Patterns of Early Asian Urbanism organized by the International Institute of Asian Studies (IIAS).
  • Paris, Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art (INHA), 21-22 February 2013. Paper title : « The Sultans Builders and the Entry of Chinese and European Architectural Types in Java (17th-19th centuries) ». Paper given at the International colloquium Architectural Exchange : Europe and East-Asia 1550-1950. Organized by the Paris-Sorbonne Far-East Research Center (CREOPS– Paris 4), the Research laboratory UMR AUSser (Architecture Urbanistique Société : Savoirs Enseignement Recherche) and the Ecole nationale supérieure d’architecture Paris-Belleville (ENSAPB).
  • Rotterdam, the Netherlands Architecture Institute (NAI), 21 November 2012.Paper title: « French Digitization Projects on Architecture from the Ex-Colonies ». Paper give at an International Workshop  (November 18-20, 2012): Creating a digital research environment as a tool to enhance trans-national and comparative research on European colonial built heritage (c.1850-1970) organized by Delft’s Technical University (TU Delft).
  • Paris, Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, 19 January 2012.Paper title : « Dynamiques du marché de l’art indonésien : repères historiques (Indonesian art market’s dynamics : historical landmarks) ». Conference for Eko Nugroho solo show at Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris.
  • Marseille, Université de Provence, 10 March 2011. Paper title : « L’invention du patrimoine indonésien (Indonesian Heritage Invention)», at IRSEA’s (Institut de Recherche sur le Sud-Est Asiatique) main Research Seminar.
  • Jakarta, Jakarta Art Institut (IKJ), 23-26 June 2010.Paper title : « Introducing Jan de Maere’s video. A call for Art historical studies on Raden Saleh ». Bicentenial Seminar. Raden Saleh Syarief Bustaman : An Artist and His Life, The Many Worlds of Raden Saleh.
  • Paris, Musée du Quai Branly, 12 May 2010. Paper title : « Les dispositifs spatiaux de la ville agraire à Java: de Mojopahit à Mataram (XIVe-XVIIIe s.)” [“Spatial organization in javanese agrarian towns: from Majapahit to Mataram (14th to 18th c.)]», Research seminar on Arts and Perfomance, Musée du quai Branly.
  • Paris, École du Louvre, 3rd February 2010. Lecture title : « Research and field research methods on 17th to 19th c. Architecture in Java (Indonesia) ». Lecture for the Master II seminar of Ecole du Louvre Extra-western collections.
  • Ithaca, New York, Cornell University, 21 February 2009. Paper title: “The Reemergence of an Indonesian Art Market: The Impact of the « Chinese Boom »” at Imag(in)ing Asia and the Pacific, Emerging Visualities and Art Perspectives, Annual Graduate Symposium, Department of Art History.
  • Paris, Musée du quai Branly, 7 June 2009. Paper title “Le marché de l’art indonésien : entre spéculation et passion (The Indonesian Art Market : between Speculation and Passion)”, conference series Situation de l’art contemporain dans le monde [Situating contemporary art in the world].
  • London, Asia House, 10 May 2007. Talk for the Asia House members, hosted at the Indonesian Ambassador’s Residence in London on « Indonesian Modern Painting History and its place in the emergence of a Southeast Asian painting market ». Exhibition organisation of the Embassy’s painting collection, with a highlight on the Indonesian cubist movement. Presentation of this collection through a guided tour.
  • Singapore, 1 - 25 August 2005, invitation from the National University of Singapore’s Architecture Department to a two weeks study journey at CASA (Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture).
  • Singapore, NUS, 16 August 2005. Lecture for the Architectural Research Think Tank (arTT) at the National University of Singapore: « The Taman Sari case : an example to illustrate early loans of Dutch and Chinese features in a new Javanese imperial context ».
  • Jakarta, Atmajaya University, 25 April 2005. Lecture title : « Women in Iranian Cinema. Focusing on three major movies : Djafar Panahi’s Circle, Abbas Kiarostami’s Ten and Hassan Yektapanah’s Djomeh ».
  • Paris, Réseau Asie, 25 December 2003. Paper given at the 1rst « Réseau Asie » Congress (CNRS-MSH). Title : « Notes sur l’identité des modèles architecturaux du Taman Sari de Yogyakarta (1758-1765) » [Notes on the identification of Yogyakarta’s Taman Sari’s Architecture], workshop 44 « Asian Urban Architecture ».
Book review
  • Uka Tjandrasasmita, Arkeologi l’islam Nusantara. Jakarta, Kepustakaan populer Gramedia, 2009, 369 p. in Bijdragen tot Taal de,-Land en Volkenkunde (BKI), vol 167, n ° 2-3 (2011), pp 367-369.

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