Bernard Sellato

Bernard Sellato


Chercheur.e statutaire

Statutaire / rattachement : CNRS / Anthropologie, Histoire / BornéoInstitution de rattachement principal : Centre Asie du Sud-Est

Bernard Sellato (DR1 emeritus) has been working in and on Borneo since 1973, first as a geologist (MSc 1973), and later as an anthropologist (PhD 1987). He has headed (1999-2004) the Institute for Research on Southeast Asia (CNRS and Université de Provence) in Marseilles and edited (1999-2008) the journal Moussons. Social Science Research on Southeast Asia. In 2008-2011, he set up a handicrafts conservatory cum documentation and research center on Borneo in Balikpapan, Kalimantan, Indonesia. He joined CASE in 2009.

Senior scholar (emeritus)


  • 1989 - Nomades et sédentarisation à Bornéo. Histoire économique et sociale, Paris: Editions de l’EHESS, Etudes Insulindiennes / Archipel, No. 9, 293 p., 12 photo plates.
  • 1989 - Hornbill and Dragon (Naga dan burung enggang). Kalimantan, Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei, Jakarta: Elf Aquitaine, 272 p., bilingual text (English, Indonesian / Malay), 176 color photo plates (550 photos), 100 ink drawings.
  • 1992 - Hornbill and Dragon. Arts and Culture of Borneo, Singapore: Sun Tree [second, English-only edition].
  • 1994 - Nomads of the Borneo Rainforest. The Economics, Politics, and Ideology of Settling Down, Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, trans. S.H. Morgan, preface by G. Condominas, 272 p., 23 maps, 23 photographs.
  •  1999 - (ed., with C. Eghenter) Kebudayaan dan Pelestarian Alam. Penelitian Interdisipliner di Pedalaman Kalimantan, Jakarta: WWF Indonesia, 573 p.
  • 2001 - Forest, Resources and People in Bulungan. Elements for a History of Settlement, Trade, and Social Dynamics in Borneo, 1880-2000, Bogor, Indonesia: Center for International Forestry Research, 183 p.
  • 2002 - Innermost Borneo. Studies in Dayak Cultures, Singapore: Singapore University Press, & Paris: SevenOrients, 223 p.
  • 2003 - (ed., with C. Eghenter & G. Simon Devung) Social Science Research and Conservation Management in the Interior of Borneo : Unravelling past and present interactions of people and forests, Bogor: Center for International Forestry Research, & Jakarta: WWF Indonesia, UNESCO, & Ford Foundation, 297 p.
  • 2004 - (ed., with P. Le Roux & J. Ivanoff) Poids et mesures en Asie du Sud-Est. Systèmes métrologiques et sociétés. Weights and Measures in Southeast Asia. Metrological Systems and Societies, Marseilles: CNRS-IRSEA, & Paris: EFEO, vol. 1, 423 p.
  • 2005 - (ed., with F. Douaire-Marsaudon & C. Zheng) Dynamiques identitaires en Asie et dans le Pacifique, 2 vols, 240 p. & 208 p., Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l’Université de Provence.
  • 2006 - (ed., with P. Le Roux) Les Messagers divins. Aspects esthétiques et symboliques des oiseaux en Asie du Sud-Est. Divine Messengers. Bird Aesthetics and Symbolism in Southeast Asia, Paris: SevenOrients & Connaissances et Savoirs, 862 p.
  • 2007 - (ed., with P.G. Sercombe) Beyond the Green Myth. Borneo’s Hunter-Gatherers in the Twenty-First Century, Copenhagen: NIAS Press, Studies in Asian Topics # 37, 384 p.
  • 2008 - (ed., with P. Le Roux & J. Ivanoff) Poids et mesures en Asie du Sud-Est. Systèmes métrologiques et sociétés. Weights and Measures in Southeast Asia. Metrological Systems and Societies, Marseilles: CNRS-IRSEA, & Paris: EFEO, vol. 2, 400 p.
  • 2012 - (ed.) Plaited Arts from the Rainforest, Jakarta: The Lontar Foundation; Singapore: NUS Press; Copenhagen: NIAS Press, Studies in Asian Topics # 48; & Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press; 550 p., 1,260 photographs, index.
  • 2019 - The Other Tiger. History, Beliefs, and Rituals in Borneo, Singapore: Institute of Southeast Asian Studies / Yusof Ishak Institute, Temasek History Research Center, Temasek Working Paper Series, No. 1, 69 p.

Selected Journal Articles

  • 1981 - “La région de la haute Mahakam, Est Kalimantan”, Archipel, 22: 21-42.
  • 1983 - “Le mythe du Tigre au centre de Bornéo”, ASEMI, 14 (1-2): 25-49.
  • 1984 - “Mémoire collective et nomadisme”, Archipel, 27: 85-108.
  • 1992 - “Rituel, politique, organisation sociale et ethnogenèse : les Aoheng de Bornéo”, BEFEO, 79 (2): 45-66.
  • 1993 - “Myth, history, and modern cultural identity among hunter-gatherers: a Borneo case”, Journal of Southeast Asian Studies, 24 (1): 18-43.
  • 1994 - “Collective Memory and Nomadism : Ethno-Historical Investigations in Borneo", Indonesia, 57: 155-174. [Revised translation of the 1984 article.]
  • 1994 - “Forêts tropicales et sociétés traditionnelles à Bornéo : Vers une histoire régionale ‘en continu’ de l’environnement et des systèmes de subsistence”, Ecologie Humaine, 12 (2): 3-22.
  • 1996 - “Stone nutcrackers and other recent finds of lithic industry in interior northeastern Kalimantan”, Sarawak Museum Journal, 50 (71): 39-65, 4 photos.
  • 1998 - “Forêts tropicales et sociétés traditionnelles à Bornéo : Vers une histoire régionale ‘en continu’ de l’environnement et des systèmes de subsistence”, Cahiers d’Outre-Mer, 51 (204): 421-440. [Reprint from the 1994 article].
  • 2001 - “High status markers in low relief. Carved doors and panels of Borneo”, Arts & Cultures (Engl. ed.), 2: 136-155; “Symboles de haut rang en bas-relief  : portes et panneaux de Bornéo”, Arts & Cultures (French ed.), 2: 136-155.
  • 2002 - “Non-timber forest products and trade in eastern Borneo”, Bois & forêts des tropiques, 271: 37-50.
  • 2012 - (w. D. Sheil et al.), “Do anthropogenic dark earths occur in the interior of Borneo ? Some initial observations from East Kalimantan”, Forests (MDPI Open Access Publishing), special issue Long-Term Effects of Fire on Forest Soils, 3 (2): 207-229.
  • 2015 - “Sultans’ Palaces and Museums in Indonesian Borneo: National Policies, Political Decentralization, Cultural Depatrimonization, Identity Relocalization, 1950-2010”, Archipel, 89:125-160.
  • 2015 - (with A. Soriente), “The Languages and Peoples of the Müller Mountains: A Contribution to the Study of the Origins of Borneo’s Nomads and their Languages”, Wacana. Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia (Jakarta), 16 (2): 339-354.
  • 2015 - “Crafts, culture, and economics, between resilience and instability: Borrowing from and trading to farmers among Borneo’s nomads”, Hunter-Gatherer Research, 1 (2): 157-195.
  • 2016 - (with A. Linder) “Alois Bucher, Borneo Anthropologist and Musical Missionary: A Restless Life in the Müller Mountains, the Swiss Alps, and St. Peter’s Basilica”, Borneo Research Bulletin, 46: 264-302.
  • 2017 - “Une cosmogonie de Bornéo et la complémentarité rituelle des genres”, Le Banian, 23: 24-37.
  • 2018 - “Variation as Norm. Names, meanings, and cultural referents in Borneo basketry decoration”, Borneo Research Bulletin, 48: 185-200.
  • 2018 - “La vannerie à Bornéo : fonctions sociales, rituelles, identitaires”, Moussons, 31: 157-186.

Selected Book Chapters

  • 1987 - “Note préliminaire sur les sociétés ‘à maison’ à Bornéo”, in De la Hutte au Palais, Sociétés ‘à maison’ en Asie du Sud-Est insulaire, C. Macdonald (ed.), Paris: CNRS, pp. 15-44.
  • 1987 - “Maisons et organisation sociale en Asie du Sud-Est”, in De la Hutte au Palais, Sociétés "à maison" en Asie du Sud-Est insulaire, C. Macdonald (ed.), Paris: CNRS, pp. 195-207.
  • 1991 - “Vous avez dit explorateurs ?”, in Bornéo. Des chasseurs de têtes aux écologistes, A. Guerreiro & P. Couderc (eds), Paris: Autrement, Hors-Série No. 52, pp. 31-40.
  • 1991 - “Des hommes dans la forêt”, in Bornéo. Des chasseurs de têtes aux écologistes, A. Guerreiro & P. Couderc (eds), Paris: Autrement, Hors-Série No. 52, pp. 172-184.
  • 1993 - “Salt in Borneo”, in Le sel de la vie en Asie du Sud-Est, P. Le Roux & J. Ivanoff (eds), Patani: Prince of Songkla University, Grand Sud, No. 4, pp. 263-284.
  • 1993 - “The Punan question and the reconstruction of Borneo’s culture history”, in Change and Development in Borneo, V.H. Sutlive, Jr. (ed.), Williamsburg, VA: Borneo Research Council, pp. 47-81.
  • 1997 - “Agricultural practices, social organization, settlement patterns, and ethnogenetic processes in East Kalimantan”, in People and Plants of Kayan Mentarang, K. Sørensen & B. Morris (eds), London: WWF & UNESCO, pp. 27-57.
  • 1998 - “Modern architecture and provincial identity in Kalimantan”, in Indigenous Architecture in Borneo: Traditional Patterns and New Developments, R.L. Winzeler (ed.), Williamsburg, VA: Borneo Research Council, pp. 198-234.
  • 1999 - “L’ethnologue entre l’écologiste et le bon sauvage. De l’usage de la recherche en sciences humaines pour la praxis des ONG et le développement durable”, in L’Homme et la Forêt Tropicale, S. Bahuchet et al. (eds), Chateauneuf-de-Grasse: Ed. de Bergier, Société d’Ecologie Humaine, pp. 89-98.
  • 1999 - (with Karina Arifin) “Survei dan penyelidikan arkeologi di empat kecamatan di pedalaman Kalimantan Timur”, in Kebudayaan dan Pelestarian Alam, C. Eghenter & B. Sellato (eds), pp. 397-436.
  • 1999 - (with Karina Arifin) “Gerabah Kalimantan terakhir yang tradisional. Deskripsi ringkas tentang teknologinya”, in Kebudayaan dan Pelestarian Alam, C. Eghenter & B. Sellato (eds), pp. 523-532.
  • 2002 - “Castrated Dead. The making of un-ancestors among the Aoheng, and some considerations on the dead and ancestors in Borneo”, in The Potent Dead: Ancestors, Saints and Heroes in Contemporary Indonesia, H. Chambert-Loir & A. Reid (eds), Crows Nest, NSW, Australia: Allen & Unwin, & Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, pp. 1-16.
  • 2003 - (with C. Eghenter) “Introduction”, in Social Science Research and Conservation Management in Interior Borneo, C. Eghenter, B. Sellato, & G. Simon Devung (eds), pp. 1-33.
  • 2003 - (with Karina Arifin) “Archaeological survey and research in four districts of interior East Kalimantan”, in Social Science Research and Conservation Management in Interior Borneo, C. Eghenter, B. Sellato, & G. Simon Devung (eds), pp. 201-241.
  • 2003 - (with D. Chartier) “Les savoir-faire traditionnels au service de la conservation de la nature ou des ONG internationales d’environnement ?”, in Conservation de la nature et développement. L’intégration impossible ?, E. Rodary, C. Castellanet, & G. Rossi (eds), Paris: Karthala, GRET, pp. 89-104.
  • 2004 - “Grasping the world : measuring and counting among the Aoheng of Borneo”, in Poids et mesures en Asie du Sud-Est. Weights and Measures in Southeast Asia, P. Le Roux, B. Sellato, & J. Ivanoff (eds), pp. 237-258.
  • 2004 - “A note on intervals, space and time, and the colors of vowels in the Aoheng language of Borneo”, in Poids et mesures en Asie du Sud-Est. Weights and Measures in Southeast Asia, P. Le Roux, B. Sellato, & J. Ivanoff (eds), pp. 259-265.
  • 2005 - “Forests for food, forests for trade. Between sustainability and extractivism. The economic pragmatism of traditional peoples and the trade history of northern East Kalimantan”, in Histories of the Borneo Environment. Economic, political and social dimensions of change and continuity, R.L. Wadley (ed.), Leiden: KITLV Press, Verhand. v. h. KITLV, No. 231, pp. 61-86.
  • 2005 - “Les Chinois mangent-ils vraiment ces nids d’hirondelles ? Environnement, commerce, transformations sociales et ethnicité à Bornéo oriental (XVIIe-XXe siècles)”, in Dynamiques identitaires en Asie et dans le Pacifique, F. Douaire-Marsaudon, B. Sellato, & C. Zheng (eds), Aix-en-Provence: Publications de l’Université de Provence, vol. 1, pp. 105-123.
  • 2005 - (mention as volume co-author) “The rush on birds’ nests in East Kalimantan: Who benefits from the trade? Lessons from Long Apari”, in Domesticating Forests. How farmers manage forest resources, Geneviève Michon et al., Bogor: Center for International Forestry Research, pp. 58-60.
  • 2006 - “Seawards, Landwards. Can we make historical sense of the Borneo as the Homeland of Malay hypothesis?”, in Borneo and the Homeland of the Malays: Four Essays, J.T. Collins & Awang Sariyan (eds), Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, pp. 102-110.
  • 2006 - “Bark-clothes in East Kalimantan”, in Bark-cloth in Southeast Asia, M. Howard (ed.), Bangkok: White Lotus, Studies of the Material Culture of Southeast Asia, pp. 153-168, color plates pp. 260-263.
  • 2007 - (with P.G. Sercombe) “Introduction. Borneo, hunter-gatherers, and change”, in Beyond the Green Myth, P.G. Sercombe & B. Sellato (eds), pp. 1-49.
  • 2007 - “Resourceful Children of the Forest. The Kalimantan Punan through the Twentieth Century”, in Beyond the Green Myth, P.G. Sercombe & B. Sellato (eds), pp. 61-90.
  • 2008 - “Social organization, settlement patterns, and ethnolinguistic processes of group formation: The Kenyah and Putuk in East Kalimantan”, in Language in Borneo. Diachronic and Synchronic Perspectives, P.W. Martin & P.G. Sercombe (eds), Williamsburg, VA: Borneo Research Council, pp. 11-56.
  • 2012 - “Basketry, Art, and Identity. An Introduction”, in Plaited Arts from the Borneo Rainforest, B. Sellato (ed.), pp. 2-38.
  • 2012 - (with Martin Lenjau & M.T. Sirait) “Rattan and bamboo craft making by the Kenyah of East Kalimantan”, in Plaited Arts from the Borneo Rainforest, B. Sellato (ed.), pp. 205-223. [Also, some thirty shorter illustrated chapters in the same volume.]
  • 2016 - “Société et forêt tropicale: Bornéo, de la tribu à la mondialisation”, in Guide des Humanités environnementales, A. Choné, I. Hajek, & P. Hamman (eds), Villeneuve-d’Ascq: Presses Universitaires du Septentrion, Environnement et Société, pp. 363-372.
  • 2016 - “The Ngorek of the central highlands and ‘megalithic’ activity in Borneo”, in Mégalithismes vivants et passés : approches croisées. Living and Past Megalithisms: interwoven approaches, C. Jeunesse, P. Le Roux, & B. Boulestin (eds), Oxford: Archaeopress, Archaeology Series, pp. 117-149.
  • 2017 - “Material Culture Studies and Ethnocultural Identity”, in Borneo Studies in History, Society and Culture, V.T. King, Zawawi Ibrahim, & Dk Noor Hasharina Hassan (eds), Bandar Seri Begawan: Universiti Brunei Darussalam, Institute of Asian Studies, & Singapore: Springer Publications, IAS Asia in Transition Series, No. 4, pp. 57-78.
  • 2017 - “Un petit Ours chez les plantigrades humains: Euryspilus de Bornéo, les Aoheng, le football,” in Sous la peau de l’ours. L’humanité et les ursidés : approche interdisciplinaire, K. Hoffmann-Schickel, E. Navet, & P. Le Roux (eds), Paris : Connaissances et Savoirs, foreword by Raymond Pujol, pp. 321-346.
  • 2017 - “Seawards, Landwards. Can we make historical sense of Borneo as the Homeland of Malay hypothesis?”, in: Borneo and the Homeland of the Malays: Four essays, J.T. Collins & Awang Sariyan (eds), Kuala Lumpur: Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka, second edition, pp. 119-129. [First edition, 2006.]
  • 2019 - “Le domestique et le sauvage, les morts et les dieux. Le sacrifice à Bornéo”, in Au Seuil de la forêt. Hommage à Philippe Descola, l’anthropologue de la Nature, G. Cometti, P. Le Roux, T. Manicone, & N. Martin (eds), Paris & Mirebeau-sur-Bèze: Tautem, pp. 965-977.

Review Articles

  • 1988 - “The Nomads of Borneo : Hoffman and "Devolution”, about The Punan: Hunters and Gatherers of Borneo, by C.L. Hoffman, Ann Arbor, MI: UMI Research Press, 1986; in Borneo Research Bulletin, 20 (2): 106-120.
  • 1991 - “L’Astrologie : une science humaine ?”, about Traité d’astrologie contemporaine. Langage du Zodiaque fondamental, by D. Bétourné & Z.Fachan, Paris: PUF, 1990; in L’Homme, 119 (XXXI, 3): 113-118.
  • 1996 - “Satu abad penelitian terhadap kebudayaan Kalimantan”, about Kebudayaan Dayak: Aktualisasi dan Transformasi, by P. Florus et al., Jakarta: Grasindo, & Pontianak: IDRD, 1994 ; & Di Pedalaman Borneo. Perjalanan dari Pontianak ke Samarinda 1894, by A.W. Nieuwenhuis, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama & Borneo Research Council, 1994; in Kalimantan Review (Pontianak), 14: 55-57.
  • 2003 - “Publications on Borneo from Universiti Malaysia Sarawak”, in Moussons, 7: 154-156.
  • 2016 - “Recent Material Culture Studies on Borneo”, review article; The Seductive Warp Thread. An Evolutionary History of Ibanic Weaving, 2014, 189 p.; & Communing with the Dark Side. Borneo’s Masks & Masquerades, 2015, 195 p.; both by M. Heppell, Phillips, ME: Borneo Research Council; in Moussons, 27: 163-171.
  • 2019 - (avec L. Pichard-Bertaux), “Autour des littératures contemporaines d’Asie du Sud-Est en France : Thaïlande et Indonésie”, about Thaïlande, Collectif, 2017 & Indonésie, Collectif, 2018 ; Jentayu. Revue littéraire d’Asie, Hors-série No. 2, 231 p.& Hors-série No. 3, 238 p. ;in Moussons, 33 : 175-183.

Book Reviews

  • 1984 - Agama asli Indonesia, by Rachmat Subagya, Jakarta: Sinar Harapan, 1981; in Archipel, 28: 213-217.
  • 1987 - Life in the forests of the Far East. Travels in Sabah and Sarawak in the 1860s, by S. St-John, Oxford University Press, 1986 (1862); in L’Homme, 104 (XXVII, 4): 126-127.
  • 1987 - The Head-Hunters of Borneo: a narrative of travel up the Mahakkam and down the Barito; also, Journeyings in Sumatra, by C. Bock, Oxford University Press, 1985 (1881); in L’Homme, 104 (XXVII, 4): 127-129.
  • 1989 - Au coeur de Bornéo, by R. O’Hanlon, Paris: Payot Voyageurs, 1988, trans. G. Piloquet; in La Quinzaine Littéraire, 531: 22.
  • 1989 - Tsiganes et sédentaires. La reproduction culturelle d’une société, by B. Formoso, Paris: L’Harmattan, 1986; in L’Ethnographie, 85 (1): 137-139.
  • 1990 - Natural Man. A Record from Borneo, by C. Hose, Oxford University Press, 1988 (1926), Introd. by B. Durrans), in L’Homme, 115 (XXX, 3): 167-169.
  • 1990 - Borneo Jungle. An Account of the Oxford University Expedition of 1932, T. Harrisson (ed.), Oxford University Press, 1988 (1938); in L’Homme, 115 (XXX, 3): 169-170.
  • 1991 - A Journey among the Peoples of Central Borneo in Word and Picture, by H.F. Tillema, ed. & introd. by V.T. King, Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1989; in Tempo (Jakarta), XXI (10): 104.
  • 1991 - Central Borneo. Ethnic Identity and Social Life in a Stratified Society, by J. Rousseau, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990; in L’Homme, 120 (XXXI, 4): 120-124.
  • 1991 - Where are You/Spirits. Style and Theme in Berawan Prayer, by P. Metcalf, Washington & London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1989; in L’Homme, 120 (XXXI, 4): 124-126.
  • 1991 - A Journey among the Peoples of Central Borneo in Word and Picture, by H.F. Tillema, ed. & introd. by V.T. King, Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1989; in Archipel, 42: 218-219.
  • 1994 - Sinsin, le théâtre des génies. Le cycle rituel féminin de Punang-Iräräj, Palawan, Philippines, by C. Macdonald, Paris: Editions du CNRS, 1990; in L’Homme, 129 (XXXIV, 1): 214-217.
  • 1994 - Through Central Borneo. An account of two years’ travel in the land of the head-hunters between the years 1913 and 1917, by C.S. Lumholtz, Singapore: Oxford University Press, 1991 (1920); in L’Homme, 130 (XXXIV, 2): 212-214.
  • 1995 - Beyond the Java Sea. Art of Indonesia’s Outer Islands, by P.M. Taylor & L.V. Aragon, Washington: The National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, & New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1991; in L’Homme, 135 (XXXV, 3): 150-152.
  • 1997 - The Women’s Warpath. Iban Ritual Fabrics from Borneo, by T. Gavin, Los Angeles: UCLA Fowler Museum of Cultural History, 1996; in Bijdragen, 153 (1): 140-142.
  • 1998 - Daya Taman Kalimantan. Suatu studi etnografis organisasi sosial dan kekerabatan dengan pendekatan antropologi hukum, by Y.C. Thambun Anyang, Nijmegen: Nijmegen University Press, 1996; in Bijdragen, 154 (3): 508-510.
  • 1999 - Indigenous Peoples and the State. Politics, Land, and Ethnicity in the Malayan Peninsula and Borneo, R.L. Winzeler (ed.), New Haven: Yale University, Southeast Asia Studies, Monograph No. 46, 1997; in Moussons, 99: 128-130. [Reprinted in Borneo Research Bulletin, 32: 272-274, 2001.]
  • 2000 - Indonesian Heritage, [various volume editors], Singapore: Editions Didier Millet, 1998, 10 vol.; in Moussons, 2: 121-122.
  • 2001 - Iban Baskets, by J.-F. Bléhaut, Kuching: Sarawak Literary Society, n.d. [1997]; in Orientations, 32 (9): 66.
  • 2001 - A Study of Brunei Dusun Religion. Ethnic priesthood on a frontier of Islam, by E.M. Kershaw, Phillips, ME: Borneo Research Council, Monograph Series, No. 4, 2000; in Archipel, 62: 232-233.
  • 2001 - Kretek. The Culture and Heritage of Indonesia’ Clove Cigarettes, by M. Hanusz, Jakarta: Equinox Publishing, 2000; in Moussons, 4: 152-153.
  • 2002 - The Encyclopaedia of Iban Studies. Iban History, Society, and Culture, V. & J. Sutlive (eds), Kuching: Tun Jugah Foundation, 2001, 4 vols., 2,783 p., in Moussons, 5: 120-122.
  • 2012 - Langs de rivieren van Midden-Kalimantan. Cultureel  erfgoed van de Ngaju en Ot Danum Dayak.  Along the rivers of Central Kalimantan. Cultural heritage of the Ngaju and Ot Danum Dayak, by A.H. Klokke, Leiden: Museum Volkenkunde & C. Zwartenkot Art Books, 2012, 175 p.; in Borneo Research Bulletin, 43: 287-289.
  • 2015 - A Bibliography of the Languages of Borneo (and Madagascar), by R. Blust & A.D. Smith, Phillips, MA: Borneo Research Council, 2014, 218 p. + CD-ROM; in Anthropos, 110 (2): 602-603.
  • 2016 - Temiar Religion 1964-2012: Enchantment, Disenchantement and Re-enchantment in Malaysia's Uplands, by G. Benjamin, foreword by James C. Scott, Singapore: NUS Press, 2014, xix+450 p.; in Archipel, 91: 281-283.
  • 2017 - Review of Petualangan Unjung dan Mbui Kuvong: Sastra Lisan dan Kamus Punan Tuvu’ dari Kalimantan, N. Césard, A. Guerreiro, & A. Soriente, 2015, Jakarta: École française d’Extrême-Orient & Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia, Naskah dan Dokumen Nusantara, No. XXXV, 381 p.; in Wacana. Journal of the Humanities of Indonesia (Jakarta), 18 (1): 266-268.

Translations (Literature)

  • 1992 - (with K. Johnson) The Bottomless Well, a translation from the Indonesian of Sumur tanpa dasar, a play by Arifin C Noer, foreword by Goenawan Mohammad, Jakarta: The Lontar Foundation, 109 p.
  • 2013  - “Ma Rivière Nyuatan”, translation from the Indonesian of “Sungai Nyuatan”, a short story by Korrie Layun Rampan, included in Riam, Yogyakarta: Gita Nagari, 2003; in Le Banian, 16: 212-220.

Selected Forewords

  • 1994 - Foreword to Au pays des coupeurs de têtes. A travers Bornéo, by A. Combanaire, Singapore: Pagodes, 1993, pp. 5-9. (1st ed., Paris: Plon-Nourrit, 1902).
  • 1994 - Foreword to Di Pedalaman Borneo. Perjalanan dari Pontianak ke Samarinda 1894, by A.W. Nieuwenhuis, abridged by J.B. Avé, trans. from the Dutch into Indonesian by T. Slamet and P.G. Katoppo, introd. by Koentjaraningrat, Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama & Borneo Research Council, pp. xiii-xxii. (1st ed., In Centraal Borneo, 1900.)
  • 2011 - “I grandi cappelli cerimoniali e lo spazio-tempo rituale in Borneo”, in Sapuyung. Cappelli cerimoniali del Borneo, P. Maiullari (ed.), Milano: Mazzotta, pp. 17-21.
  • 2014 - “Introduction” to Ceremony, an Indonesian novel by Korrie Layun Rampan, trans. by G.A. Fowler, Jakarta: The Lontar Foundation, Modern Library of Indonesia, pp. vii-xv.

Selected Unpublished Memoirs and Reports

  • 1982 - Les Aoheng de Kalimantan Est : deux siècles d’ethnohistoire, DEA thesis, Paris, EHESS, 63 p.
  • 1982 - Les terminologies de parenté affine à Bornéo, DEA secondary thesis, Paris, EHESS.
  • 1986 - Les nomades forestiers de Bornéo et la sédentarisation : essai d’histoire économique et sociale, doctoral thesis, Paris, EHESS, 570 p.
  • 1990 - Report on a sociological survey (middle Mahakam River area), consultancy report, Samarinda, P.T. Kelian Equatorial Mining, February 1990, 49 p.
  • 1995 - (general editor) Culture & Conservation in East Kalimantan, Jakarta, WWF (A collection of 36 research reports on Kayan Mentarang Conservation Area ; 5 vols, over 1,750 p.), including four personal reports: Four upstream Kenyah settlements in a changing world, Long Pujungan District: A preliminary social and demographic survey (38 p.); The Kenyah dialects of Long Pujungan, a provisional assessment (29 p.); Cultural community-development projects in Long Pujungan District (33 p.); and The Ngorek : Lithic and megalithic traditions in the Bahau area and an interdisciplinary sketch of regional history (93 p.).
  • 1995 - Note on the ethnocultural situation in and around Betung Kerihun Nature Reserve, Kapuas Hulu Regency, West Kalimantan, consultancy report, Jakarta, World Wide Fund for Nature & International Tropical Timber Organization, 20 p., maps.
  • 2000 - Forest, resources, and people in Bulungan. Elements for a history of settlement, trade, and social dynamics in Borneo, 1880-2000, consultancy report, Bogor, Center for International Forestry Research, 71 p., maps, refs., annexes.
  • 2008 - Proposal for the Establishment of a Conservatory of Kalimantan Crafts, submitted to TEPI, Jakarta, 16 p.
  • 2010 - Final Report, Survey Awal Daerah Timur Laut Provinsi Kalimantan Timur (Kab. Nunukan, Malinau, Tana Tidung, Bulungan), Tgl. 4-16 Juni 2010, 10 July 2010, 70 p.
  • 2010 - Basketry Survey: Cambodia, Vietnam, China. Report, Oct.-Nov. 2010, 12 p.
  • 2010 - (with Th. Hangin B.) Laporan Survey Lanjutan Kabupaten Nunukan dan Malinau, 26 Nov.-6 Des. 2010, field report, 45 p. + annexes.
  • 2011 - (with P. Kadok) Laporan Survey ke Daerah S. Belayan Kab. Kutai Kartanegara, Kec. Kembang Janggut dan Tabang, 18-23 Maret 2011, field report, 20 p. + annexes.
  • 2011 - Laporan Survey Awal Daerah Kec. Bentian dan Bongan, Kab. Kutai Barat, 13-22 Juni 2011, field report, July 2011, 20 p. + annexes.

Conference Papers

  • 1982 - "Men talk to spirits, women talk to gods", 81st Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C.
  • 1983 - "Nomadism, Utrolocal Residence, and Affinal Terminology in Borneo", Symposium on Cognatic Forms of Social Organisation in Southeast Asia, Amsterdam, January 1983. [Part of a collection of papers titled Cognatic Forms of Social Organisation in Southeast Asia, University of Amsterdam, pp. 82-91.]
  • 1983 - "Le monde minéral : catégories et concepts chez les Aoheng de Bornéo", Conference on Ethnosciences, Sophia-Antipolis, France.
  • 1990 - "Borneo’s hunters-gatherers as an independent culture and some implications for Borneo’s culture history", First Extraordinary Meeting of the Borneo Research Council, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia.
  • 1990 - "Indonesia goes ethnic. Provincial culture, image, and identity: Current trends in Kalimantan", Symposium on Centres et Périphéries en Asie du Sud-Est Insulaire, CNRS, DEVI, Paris.
  • 1992 - "Ritual, social organization, and ethnogenesis : the Aoheng of Borneo", Fonctions Sociales du Rituel en Asie du Sud-Est, CNRS, ECASE, Paris.
  • 1992 - "A proposal for an interdisciplinary project in archaeology, ethnohistory, comparative linguistics, and palaeoecology in the upper Bahau River area, East Kalimantan", Second Biennial International Meetings of the Borneo Research Council, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia.
  • 1993 - "Government intervention in interior peoples’ economic activities and its effects on the local and national economy: two cases from East Kalimantan", Seminar on Indigenous Communities of Asia and the Pacific, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia.
  • 1993 - "The Culture & Conservation research program in Kayan Mentarang Nature Reserve, East Kalimantan", Conference on Sciences Humaines et Sociales et Recherche Française en Insulinde / Seminar Ilmu-ilmu Budaya dan Sosial dan Penelitian Perancis di Nusantara, Jakarta.
  • 1994 - "Social organization, residence patterns, and ethnolinguistic boundaries in East Kalimantan", Third Biennial International Conference of the Borneo Research Council, Pontianak, Kalimantan, Indonesia.
  • 1998 - "Déstratification sociale et érosion de l’autorité naturelle traditionnelle à Bornéo", Conference on Psychologie/Anthropologie. Changement social et autorité, Université de Provence, Aix-en-Provence, France.
  • 1998 - (with D. Chartier) "La prise en compte des pratiques et usages autochtones : réalité efficiente ou construction occidentale à visée néolibérale. Interférences entre chercheurs et opérateurs/bailleurs de fonds", Second Conference. Dynamiques Sociales et Environnement, Bordeaux, France.
  • 1998 - "Les peuples traditionnels, les ONG, la manipulation de l’image des interactions entre société et milieu naturel, et le rôle du chercheur", Tenth Colloquium of the Société d’Ecologie Humaine, Marseille, France.
  • 2000 - (Invited as discussant), Colloquium on Borneo as the Homeland of Malay, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • 2000 - "Forests for subsistence or for trade? The economic pragmatism of Borneo’s traditional peoples, between sustainable management and extractivist practices", Environmental change in native and colonial histories of Borneo: Lessons from the past, prospects for the future, Leiden, The Netherlands.
  • 2000 - "Dimensions économique, sociale et rituelle de l’esclavage dans les groupes de l’intérieur de Bornéo", Conference on Aspects méconnus de l’esclavage, Nanterre, Université de Paris X, France.
  • 2001 - "Ressources et ethnicité: une priorité économique dans les stratégies identitaires dayak, entre la tentation culturelle du particularisme et la nécessité politique de la masse critique (Kalimantan Est, 1970-2000)", Conference on Identité, ethnicité, religion et intégration nationale en Asie du sud-est, Paris, CNRS, LASEMA.
  • 2003 - "Être nommé par l’autre. Communauté, taxonomie, ethnogenèse (Bornéo)", Nommer l’autre: les ethnonymes en Asie du Sud-Est, CNRS, IRSEA, Marseille, France.
  • 2004 - "From Chinese Soup to Borneo’s Headhunters: The Socio-political Impact of the Regional Maritime Trade in Edible Birdnests on Traditional Societies in Eastern Borneo, 17th-20th c.", First International French-Taiwanese Conference (Maison Asie Pacifique & Academia Sinica), Search for the Interface: Interdisciplinary and Area Studies in Southeast Asia and the Pacific, Marseille.
  • 2005 - "The Languages and Peoples of the Müller Mts.", Conference on The Languages and Literatures of Western Borneo: 144 Years of Research, Institute of the Malay World and Civilisation, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
  • 2005 - "The Kenyah and Putuk in Eastern Borneo. Two modes of group formation", Second International French-Taiwanese Conference (Maison Asie Pacifique & Academia Sinica), New Frontiers of Southeast Asia and Pacific Studies, Center for Asia-Pacific Area Studies, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2010 - "Hubungan masyarakat tradisional dengan lingkungan hutan di Kalimantan" ["Traditional peoples and the forest environment in Kalimantan"], Symposium, Silang Pandang akan Lingkungan Hutan. Regards croisés sur l’environnement forestier, Jakarta, Centre Culturel Français.
  • 2011 - "Sultans’ palaces and patrimonization in Indonesian Borneo, 1950-2010: Nation-state, political decentralization, identity (re)localization", Cultural Tourism in East and South-East Asia: Perspectives and economical, political and identity stakes, CEFURDS (Ho Chi Minh Ville), Maison Asie Pacifique (CNRS & Université de Provence), & CAPAS (Academia Sinica,Taiwan); Dalat, Vietnam.
  • 2011 - "Reconstructing kinship terminologies in complex settings: A cultural-historical approach to the Melawi languages of West Borneo", Second Italian Conference on Southeast Asian Studies (ItaSEAS-2), Università di Milano-Bicocca, Italy.
  • 2013 - “Le rapport traditionnel à la Nature à Bornéo, l’écologisme néo-rousseauiste, et les stratégies extractivistes actuelles”, conference La Nature à la lettre. Écritures et production des savoirs sur la nature dans l’Europe moderne et contemporaine, Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg.
  • 2013 - “Ethnologues, ONGs et CSR : des relations intéressantes, mais pas toujours confortables”, conference Métiers, professions et expertises de l'ethnologie. Quels périmètres professionnels pour les ethnologues?, Institut d’Ethnologie, Université de Strasbourg, MISHA (Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme - Alsace).
  • 2013 - “Punan crafts and past and present cultural and economic trends: ‘We taught them so they could produce for us’”, Tenth Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies (CHaGS 2013), Liverpool, UK.
  • 2013 - Panel convener, “Water in pre-modern settlement processes in Southeast Asia”, Seventh EuroSEAS Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • 2013 - “Settlement, migration, and trade along river axes in Borneo”, Seventh EuroSEAS Conference, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • 2014 - “Ngorek : une culture mégalithique récente dans le lointain intérieur de Bornéo”, Table-ronde internationale “La place des modèles ethnologiques dans l’interprétation du mégalithisme néolithique européen”, Université de Strasbourg, Maison Interuniversitaire des Sciences de l’Homme – Alsace, Strasbourg.
  • 2015 - (with K.R. Anderbeck), “Pattern in the patchwork?  The interface between social history and dialectology in a long-established dialect network (Melawi River basin, West Kalimantan)”, Thirteenth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics (13-ICAL), Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
  • 2015 - “Back to upriver villages. Decentralization in Kalimantan and recent Dayak reflux migration”, Eighth EuroSEAS Conference, Vienna, Austria.
  • 2015 - “Hunter-gatherers and farmers in Borneo: assessing dual linguistic influences, the relative persistence of linguistic features, and the resulting ethnocultural identity”, Eleventh CHaGS Conference, Vienna, Austria.
  • 2016 - “Shifting identities in eastern Borneo (17th-20th c.): globalization, forest products, the eastern slave trade, and imported “Punan” hunter-gatherers”, Third ItaSEAS Conference, Naples, Italy.
  • 2017 - “Approches ethno-anthropologiques de la frontière ”, international round table, Strasbourg, SAGE (Sociétés, Acteurs, Gouvernement en Europe, UMR 7363 CNRS & Unistra) & DynamE (Dynamiques Européennes, UMR 7367 CNRS & Unistra), Faculté des sciences sociales, Université de Strasbourg, invited as discussant, 27 March.
  • 2017 - “The Ecological Nexus in Southeast Asia: Science & Humanities”, panel, Ninth EuroSEAS Conference, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK, invited as discussant, 16-18 August.
  • 2017 - “Chasse aux têtes à Bornéo : qui, comment, pourquoi”, Journée d’études internationale, “Têtes coupées, têtes gardées”, organisée par le Laboratoire TRACES et le pôle toulousain de l’EHESS, Toulouse, Maison de la Recherche,  Université de Toulouse Jean-Jaurès, 5 October.
  • 2017 - “Statut, rituel et identité à Bornéo : la vannerie et la vie sociale des objets usuels”, Symposium international. Histoire, civilisation, culture (Asie du Sud-Est - Madagascar), Université d’Antananarivo & Académie malgache, Madagascar, 28-30 Novembre.

Teaching and Research Seminars

  • EHESS, Paris
    - “Les Aoheng de Kalimantan Est : deux siècles d’ethnohistoire”, 1982.
    - “Les nomades forestiers de Bornéo et la sédentarisation”, 1986.
  • CeDRASEMI, Paris
    - “Le mythe du Tigre à Bornéo”, 1982.
    - “Partenaires humains, animaux et surnaturels : interactions complexes dans un rituel de purification aoheng”, 1987.
  •  IRSEA, IrASIA, and Maison Asie-Pacifique, Aix-en-Provence & Marseille
    - “Nomades et nomadisme”, 1994.
    - “La méthode ethnohistorique : l’exemple de Bornéo”, 1995, 2000.
    - “Ancêtres et ancestralité à Bornéo”, 1996.
    - “Sultans et Hollandais sur l’échiquier politique et économique des Dayak : les Aoheng de 1890 à 1910”, 1997.
    - “La grande fête des dieux et des touristes : le festival mengosang des Aoheng de Bornéo”, 1998.
    - “Les identités culturelles traditionnelles à Bornéo et l’affrontement entre l’Etat indonésien et les minorités ethniques”, 2000.
    - “Environnement, société, histoire en Asie du sud-est tropicale”, 2002.
    - “Organisation sociale, habitat et langage. Deux modèles de processus ethnogénétiques à Bornéo”, 2004.
    - “Le problème de l’anthropologie indigène. Réinterprétations locales de l’ethnographie occidentale à Bornéo,” seminar “Langues, cultures et sociétés d’Asie”, IrASIA, 2014.
  • Centre Asie du Sud-Est, Paris
    - “L’anthropologue indigène à Bornéo. Ethnographies occidentales et réinterprétations locales”, 2009
    - “Un projet de conservatoire de l’artisanat traditionnel à Kalimantan Est, Bornéo indonésien”, 2009
    - “Chapeaux, dragons et rituels chez les Aoheng du haut Mahakam (Cosmogonie et iconographie)”, 2010
    - “What’s in a name ? Motifs décoratifs, dénominations, significations et représentations dans la vannerie de Bornéo”, 2011
    - “Dayak and the City. Formes et réseaux de la socialité aoheng à Samarinda, Kalimantan Est,” 2014.
  • AMU (Aix-Marseille Université, TLP S02, Arts et Patrimoine; Master 2
  • - “Un conservatoire de l’artisanat traditionnel à Kalimantan Est, Bornéo indonésien”, 2012
    - “Le tourisme ethnique à Bornéo,” 2015, 2016
  • Université de Strasbourg
    - “Méthodologie de terrain”, 2013.
    - “Le domestique et le sauvage à Bornéo. Les morts et les dieux : sacrifice et consommation,” seminar “Des animaux pour les dieux, les morts, les ancêtres: la pratique du sacrifice animal – approche - ethnologique et archéologique”, 2014.
    - “Deux millénaires de mondialisation en Asie du sud-est : les réseaux de l’indianisation dans l’intérieur de Bornéo”, séminaire “Ethnologie et Archéologies”, “La mondialisation, d’hier et d’aujourd’hui”, Institut d’Ethnologie, Université de Strasbourg, 16 Dec. 2016.
  • INALCO, Paris
    - “Culture et artisanat à Bornéo”, 2013.
  • CNEARC, Institut d’Agronomie, Montpellier, France
    - “Dynamiques économiques, socio-politiques et ethnoculturelles des Dayak de Kalimantan Ouest (Bornéo indonésien)”, 1998.
  • LIPI (Indonesian Institute of Sciences), Jakarta (in Indonesian)
    - “Perladangan Berpindah dan Resetelmen Penduduk” [“Shifting cultivation and population resettlement”], 1994.
    - “Masalah Perambah Hutan. Menuju Tipologi Interaksi Masyarakat Tradisional Dengan Lingkungan Hutan” [“The problem of pioneer forest farmers. Towards a typology of interactions between people and the forest environment”], 1995.
    - “Dinamika Sosial Budaya Daerah Perbatasan Indonesia” [“Socio-cultural dynamics in Indonesia’s border regions”], 1996.
  • CIFOR (Center for International Forestry Research), Bogor, Indonesia (in English)
    - “The exploitation of edible birdnests in East Kalimantan : social and economic problems”, 2001.
  • CEFE-CNRS (Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle et Evolutive), Montpellier, France
    - “Gestion des ressources, savoirs et pratiques traditionnels, peuples indigènes : Histoire de concepts”, 2003.
  • MPI (Max Planck Institute), Atmajaya University, Jakarta, Indonesia
    - “Pattern, name, meaning, and representation in the basketry of Borneo”, 2011.
  • Università L’Orientale, Naples, Italy
    - “Borneo and its material culture: An introduction”, 2013
  • Goethe University, Interdisciplinary Center of East Asian Studies, Frankfurt, Germany
    - “Forest hunter-gatherers of Borneo”, 2014.
  • Mulawarman University, Samarinda, East Kalimantan (Indonesia), Faculty of Cultural Studies (in Indonesian)
    - “Art and material culture studies in Borneo”, 2015.
  • Gajah Mada University, Yogyakarta (Indonesia) (in English)
    - “Anthropology and heritage studies,” French-Indonesian Workshop, “Starting Doctoral Research in Cultural Heritage Studies”, 2015.
  • University of Malaysia Sarawak, Faculty of Social Sciences, Kuching, Malaysia –in English)
    - “Social Life of Baskets: Status, Ritual, and Identities in Borneo”, 2015
  •  Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
    - “Tropical Forest Foragers and Rice Farmers: the Borneo Case, Historical Perspectives, and Suggestions about Prehistory”, ANU College of Arts & Social Sciences & ANU College of Asia & the Pacific, School of Archaeology & Anthropology, Centre for Archaeological Research, CAR Seminar Series, 4 November 2016.
    - “Megalithic activity and competitive societies in Borneo. What can archaeological interpretation learn from ethnographic studies?”, Centre for Archaeological Research, 14 November 2016.

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